One year ago today our absentminded and feckless leader, Devlon, was admitted to St. Mary's regional hospital for corrective heart surgery. Wherefore he asked to issue a brief statement. This breaks with our code so we put it to a vote. Just as our president elect was fond of doing while in the Senate, Devlon voted "Present."
151 voted yea.
150 voted nay.
The statement issues forth. Let it be know that the opinions expressed are neither supported or condoned by Cépage Selections, LLC.
"We usually leave all communiques to our press advisor in Budapest but I couldn't turn down the perfect opportunity to strum on your heartstrings and guilt you into a sympathetic purchase of organic European wines. Please write your generous order on cigarette paper, roll it, place it in a tube and attach it to a Homing pigeon's leg.
At one year, I'm thankful for the skilled and steady hands of Doctor Rakesh Pai, for all those that kept me caring and laughing (if you received a text or email from me today saying "Thanks.", it's you), for the absurd burlesque that is this world, for the authentic and delicate wines of Marc Ollivier and Didier and Catherine Roussel, for the many people that say our wines are too dry or too unusual, for putting my faith in what is tangible such as family and friends (if you received a text or email from me today saying "Thanks.", it's you) and not the supernatural, for bikes and treadmills, for no longer having holes in my heart, for pictures snapped at random, for arugula mixed with bacon, for the professor in college that compared my writing to Virginia Woolf, for the literary agent that said my writing was rubbish, for the person that told me she loved Chardonnay but hated Chablis, for Cabernet Franc and Gamay, for my suppliers who saw me through the almost zero sales mouth of last December and the subsequent hardest year of my life, for the subtle rhythms of Cummings and Elliot and Nabokov et al etc... for all that have told me they loved me, for the whole LDM crew, for the chance to wake up this morning and look at something and someone beautiful, for bright planets and steam that rises off of teacups, for all our customers that have the will to hand sell wines, for various and sundry songs, for text messages at once private or peculiar or very very funny, for mothers fathers brothers aunts uncles et al etc..., for good restaurants with real wine lists, for having all my fingers and functional tear ducts, for obese Pomeranians, for fluctuating currencies and (to paraphrase Beckett or maybe it was Charlie Wilson) for having another chance not to fuck up the endgame."
Devlon Moore