Monday, March 3, 2008

One Is Not Half Two

Ernest Hemingway on the subject of war in his novel A Farewell to Arms: "Abstract words such as glory, honor, courage or hallow were obscene besides the concrete names of villages, the numbers of roads, the names of rivers, the numbers of regiments and the dates." We at Cépage feel the same way about wine, life and the people we work with and love. For instance, to grade a wine numerically seems partially obscene after you get to know (and understand) the farmer. But everybody in wine has already heard such an argument and we are not here to rehash it. What brought us to this polemic is the sad news that one of Cépage's most valuable employees is possibly moving on. Her contribution to this company has been invaluable and her worth is impossible to describe with abstract words. All that can be said is that sometimes the world calls people to different places and what's left behind is the subtle and often incomplete happiness that we were one stop on the journey. My darling, we shall keep the Cazin cold for you with a note inscribed: ILYTM.

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